Regional Ecovillage Network of Belgium, France and the Netherlands

What is GEN-WE?
GEN-WE is a partnership between national ecovillage networks of France, Belgium and the Netherlands, three neighbouring countries with a common history and similar contemporary challenges, with the support of Global Ecovillage Network Europe (GEN Europe).
It’s creation is a part of the Erasmus+ project “EU Networks for sustainable future” funded by the European Union.
What does GEN-WE do?
We connect different networks, projects and initiatives which nourish ecovillage culture and act in regenerative ways.
We foster regional cooperation for a sustainable future.
We connect individuals with networks, projects and initiatives (and vice versa).
We support individuals, projects and initiatives for sustainable living and embracing ecovillage culture.

Our Focus
Sharing knowledge
Building a regional network, connecting actors
Organizing events, courses, webinars
Bridge GEN-Europe (Global Ecovillage Network Europe) with national networks of ecovillages, co-housing groups and other intentional community networks with similar values in Western Europe
Would you like to join?
Are you representing a network of intentional communities in Western Europe, please contact us. As representative of an ecovillage or intentional community or as individual please contact one of our national partners.

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